"As the name would imply, Thousand Foot Whale Claw are only concerned with large proportions. This is TFWC’s debut release, though the Austin-based four piece have been mind-controlling live audiences with wave after wave of sub & ultra-sonic psychedelic frequencies for over a year now. Walls of synth(s) and infinitely-sustaining guitar(s) ride the undercurrent of deeply effected bass to create two 11-minute slabs of sound that comprise Lost in Those Dunes (HD002).
The release opens with its self-titled track, patiently smoldering and taking form like a star being born in a cloud of heat and dust: filters open, unintelligible sound sources emerge, a glowing bass-line breaths subtle rhythm into the track, and what was once a barely audible frequency is now a resonance that you are inside of. Fleshwave follows a similar path, though opting for a noisier, more chaotic, and formless nebula of sonics to float through. Order out of chaos, they say.
The overall expansiveness of Lost in Those Dunes brings “spaced out” to a new exponential level; the feeling of being lost is undeniable, though finding out just where you are lost will be a more difficult question to answer."- Holodeck
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