Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Alps - Easy Action (Mexican Summer 2011)

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Possible Fugazi Reunion

It is entirely possible that we will play again and it’s also possible that we won’t. We have the desire to play, but there’s a geographical issue. Joe currently lives in Rome and that makes it hard to practice. There’s also a time issue. Everyone is super busy. You’ve got to remember that when Fugazi was actually working we usually practiced 5 days a week from 4-6 hours a day.

[W]e’ve been offered an insane amount of money to play reunions, but it’s not going to be money that brings us back together, we would only play music together if we wanted to play music together and the time allowed it.


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Shannon and the Clams - Sleep Talk (1-2-3-4 Go! 2011)

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This could be the best album of 2011, It picks right up where the first album left off.
John Waters, late 50's love songs infused with 80's Punk

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Eternal Summers - Prisoner EP (Kanine/Forest Family 2011)

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Times New Viking - Dancer Equired (merge 2011)

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This one is marking lofi's down ward decline, this sounds like nothing else that they have made to date.

Dirty Beaches - no fun 7' (italian beach babes 2011)

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Edibles - Super Space/Mind Peace (not not fun 2010)


Speculator - Lifestyle (leaving 2010)


Art Post - Swoon video at L.A. MOCA

Swoon + Cat Solen from Levi's Film Workshop on Vimeo.

Art Post - Piss Christ Destroyed

story:Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ was destroyed by Christian protestors this past Sunday.

“…on Palm Sunday morning, four people in sunglasses aged between 18 and 25 entered the exhibition just after it opened at 11am. One took a hammer out of his sock and threatened the guards with it. A guard grabbed another man around the waist but within seconds the group managed to take a hammer to the plexiglass screen and slash the photograph with another sharp object, thought to be a screwdriver or ice-pick. They also smashed another work, which showed the hands of a meditating nun.”


Very constructive, now they have made a martyr out of piss christ

Indian Wars - If you want me EP (Bachelor 2010)

new album is dropping on May 2, via Bachelor
So... Keep your eyes peeled, in the mean time here is this!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Art Post - Aj Fosik

These are made out of wood, which is unbelievable. Fosik draws inspiration from religious icons among other things.

Art Post - Caroline Morin

This is an amazing new artists from France.